Because the world of wine is complex,
with its many rules, players and specific characteristics..


Because developing a wine
involves many different skills…


Because production, marketing and growth
underpin business performance…


Because each wine estate
is unique and difficult to compare….


As an owner and investor, you can feel alone
when making choices that will commit you
and the future of your business.

Assessing production potential and
scope for improvement

Evaluating, validating and
controlling production processes

Defining and implementing a strategy
to optimize production costs and
guarantee sustainable results

Organizing the financing and timing
of an acquisition or a new business launch

This is why Stéphane Apelbaum and Bruno Jammy-Fonbeney decided to pool their talents to offer their clients the benefit of their expertise in organizing, enhancing and optimizing production from a business perspective.
As men of the land, their expertise includes vineyard operations management, the winemaking process, people management, overall operations management, and marketing. Each of them have over 25 years’ hands-on experience giving them a pragmatic edge when tackling any type of assignment in the winemaking business.